Mendelssohn A_Midsummer Nights Dream cello excerpt 2

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Václav Smetáček: Prague Symphony Orchestra, 1988

James Levine: Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 1985

André Previn: London Symphony Orchestra, 1986

Midi Practice Tracks:

*These were created using MIDI with the cello part removed. I intensely dislike the midi orchestral instrument sounds, so I changed all the instruments to the piano patch. Playing along with them provides the rhythmic stability of using a metronome while adding the framework for what else is happening in the orchestra.

Eighth Note = 60

Eighth Note = 70

Eighth Note = 80

Mendelssohn A_Midsummer Nights Dream cello excerpt


Václav Smetáček: Prague Symphony Orchestra, 1988

James Levine: Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 1985

André Previn: London Symphony Orchestra, 1986

Midi Practice Tracks:

Eighth Note = 60

Eighth Note = 70

Eighth Note = 80

Eighth Note = 90

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