This is the Scherzo from Mendelssohn Midsummer Night’s Dream. This violin excerpt is from measure 17 until 99 (which is usually the first page in most editions).

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Seiji Ozawa: Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1994. Dotted Quarter= 82-84

John Nelson: Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, 2003. Dotted Quarter= 88

André Previn: London Symphony Orchestra, 1986. Dotted Quarter= 80

Midi Practice Tracks:

*These were created using MIDI with the first violin part removed. I intensely dislike the midi orchestral instrument sounds, so I changed all the instruments to the piano patch.

Dotted Quarter = 52

Dotted Quarter = 67

Dotted Quarter = 80

Video and Recordings from YouTube:

James Levine, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 1985 (YouTube redirect)

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