This is the Mahler Symphony 1 violin excerpt from mvt 4. From Reh 16 until Reh. 19.

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Bernard Haitink: Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 2009 Quarter note = 88 (lots of rubato)

CSO Resound - Mahler: Symphony No. 1 - Bernard Haitink & Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Michael Tilson Thomas: San Francisco Symphony, 2002 Quarter note = 113 (lots of rubato)

Mahler: Symphony No. 1 in D Major - Michael Tilson Thomas & San Francisco Symphony

Valery Gergiev: London Symphony Orchestra, 2008 Quater note = 98

Mahler: Symphony No. 1 - Valery Gergiev & London Symphony Orchestra

Midi Practice Tracks:

*These are created in MIDI with the first violin part removed. I intensely dislike the midi orchestral instrument sounds, so I changed all the instruments to the piano patch.

Quarter note= 88, No Rubato

Quarter note = 100, No Rubato

Quarter note = 81, With Rubato


sehr gesangvoll aber ausdruckvoll = Very singingful….but expressive
Zurückhalten = holding back or held back [tempo]
Breit = broad
mit grosser ton = with big tone
nicht Bogen abziehen = Do not pull bow (?)
nur ein kurzes Anhalten = only a short “stop” (fermata)

Video from YouTube:

Iván Fischer: Budapest Festival Orchestra, 2011 (excerpt starts at 4:01)

Lorin Maazel: New York Philharmonic (excerpt starts at 1:44)

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