From the OrchestraExcerpts.com, this is the Per Service Podcast, a show about growing in our musical and personal lives.
And it has been some time! But thank you for staying with us. I guess if you are just binge listening to this in the future, it doesn’t really matter. But in either case, it’s good to be back with you.
And since it’s the end of the school year, and the orchestra season, we decided to reflect for a minute about the previous year and some things we learned from successes and some challenges.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
That is what we have been learning this year. That, life in the arts is Talent, Preparedness in all things, and just some good old luck.
That the clarity for decisions you made fades over time, and you might need some reminders.
That, moving and starting over, really is challenging. Connections are important, but you sill have to do the work and show up. And that you only have 100% energy, you can’t give it all in one part of your life, and expect to still have it in the other areas.
And that auditions are maybe equally about mental preparation as they are about musical preparation.
What have you learned this year? You can see some of the links to things we mentioned on our show notes page perservice.co/39
Well, If you enjoy our conversations, could you do this one simple thing to help us out? Please leave us an honest rating or review in iTunes. It helps other listeners find our show.
There are some amazing people behind the scenes who support our work on Patreon, and we’d like that thank Siri Bloom, Kathleen Lavengood, Sarah Lee, and Ann Bruegemann, for their generosity and for believing in us.
But if you would like to support our show financially to help us with our operating costs,
Just search for our show on Patreon.com, and of course a link for that is on our show notes page…perservice.co/39
We have a very special episodes coming up soon this summer and possibly some very interesting people stopping by too, so stay tuned.
Things we mentioned:
Rachel Dolezal
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