What’s in Your Talent Stack Big Mac? [PSP44]

What do Sarah Chang, Chuckie Cheese’s and Toms all have in common?
They all have distinguished themselves by stacking multiple talents or traits together, and classical musicians can learn something from this practice too. Some talents (in your big mac stack) are beefier than others, cheesier than others, and some might be weird or gross on their own. But stack them all up, and you might just have something so unique the whole world will want to get their hands on. (ok, that metaphor is now over).
Hey, there I’m Michael O’Gieblyn, and this is the Per Service Podcast. We make this show, because being a musician today, doesn’t look like what we thought it was going to look like. We’re still figuring it all out – Year by year, gig to gig, service to service.
And this is our little, judgement free place where we get together and actually talk about the BS sayings, acknowledge our insecurities, laugh about dumb stuff that only other musicians think is funny, encourage each other, and inspire new ways of thinking about being a successful musician.
I think our episode today hits all those points, and I’m really excited to share it with you.
If you’re new to the show, we are four string players:
Anna Luce and Jessica Weirsma are respectively violin 1 and 2 on tour with Hamilton,
Christian Marshall is a violist extraordinaire based in Graz Austria.
I’m Michael O’Gieblyn I’m a violinist (and emergency violist if needed) in Boca Raton, Florida.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links We Mentioned:
Tim Herrera’s article that kicks things off about the Power Rangers:
Power Rangers MegaZord Transformations:
People who Talent Stack:
David Garrett: (Violin and Looking like a Calvin Klein Model)
Lindsay Stirling (Violin, and Dancing….and singing too)Sarah Chang (Concert violinist, in high heels)
Yo Yo Ma (What doesn’t he do? and world music)
Chris Thile (Mandlolin cross-over artist)
Time for Three (Classical / Pop crossover and education )
I’m not an “ambi-turner”
Thanks to Ficks Music Publishing:
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