This is a podcast about life in the performing arts. Yes, the title of the show has a strong connotation about money, because we usually say that a gig pays $100 per service (or however much), but there’s more important issues than just chasing the highest paying gigs.
Playing with orchestras on a Per Service basis is also inherently temporary. There’s no job security, and even if there was, the possibility (and likelihood) of injury, budget cuts, contract negotiations, lockouts, strikes and force majeure are never that far away. So how do we deal with this uncertainty? Do the weeks or months when you have a good gig inspire you to pursue more side hustles and hobby projects, and take some creative risks, or are you more likely to relax and watch more Netflix?
This is somewhat of a continuation of our previous conversation about the two directions we are pulled: To be content and be grateful, to just take care of yourself. And the opposite: Do More, Hustle, Grow, Crush It! Today we’re discussing the later bit. Why should we do more? And how do I find time to do more.
I’d encourage you to observe your thoughts the rest of the day.
Do you feel like you’re in “the waiting place”
Do you wish you had more autonomy?
Do you feel like you’re making plans out of fear and desperation, or out of curiosity and creativity
What are you doing to move you closer to your dreams?
Or are you dreams so unrealistic that you are actually hiding?
I know it’s a lot. But that’s why we have these difficult conversations. We’re almost done, and then you can go listen to Coldplay and John Mayer.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links we Mentioned:
Review Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg playing Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E Minor that Christian mentioned.
What to Do When It’s Your Turn (and It’s Always Your Turn)
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