Solve Bigger Problems (With Paul Nelson) [PSP 45]

Today is somewhat of a per service lite version, as I don’t have my usual co-hosts with me today. We hit the perfect storm of scheduling last month, (no, I’m not talking about that polar vortex) We all just got really busy, and being in 3 different time zones didn’t help either. Even after we found a day, we had to scrap it because the internet for me and Anna kept falling out.
So, they will all be back soon. But for today, you’re still in for a treat. I called up my buddy, Paul Nelson, a cellist in Nashville, who besides having recorded for people like U2, Paul McCartney, One republic, and a million other people. Has reinvented himself many times over, from Arranging, producing, contracting, being a clinician, project manager, and more. He’s one of the most driven, creative, and productive people I’ve met.
I know you will find this interesting, because normally on the podcast, we spend a lot of time speaking through the lens as classical musicians, but many of us make a portion of our incomes from commercial work. Also, many of us also supplement our gig income with side hustles or adjacent gigs that utilize a combination of skills. And so it was a treat to sit down with someone who is doing all of these things, and to hear his advice on how to find joy and more money in the process.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links We Mentioned:
Paul’s Big Take-Aways:
-Work on yourself as much as your instrument
-Learn how to network well
-Have pro-gear. You’re going to need them! (Maybe that’s just a music stand at the moment, but for others, maybe that means a better mic, in-ear monitors, etc.)
Things we Mentioned:
One of Paul’s Gold Records:
Thanks to Ficks Music Publishing:
Use promo code “PERSERVICE” to get 10% off your order
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