This is the first of four episodes where we dig a little deeper into who we are and some themes from our journey. Today is Michael’s story about pursuing other curiosities other than music.

Listen to the Podcast Below:


How it Starts:

When you’re a junior or senior in high school (at least in the US) you have to start making some pretty big decisions about what you want to do with the rest of your life. And, I just wasn’t ready to jump in with both feet to any one career. And it was OK.

Why not music? Why not Engineering?

Well, every career has some sort of “Turd Sandwich” (you read more about the NOT CENSORED version here)And it takes a little bit of time to figure out if you’re going to actually love that turd sandwich or look for another one.
So for me: The turd sandwich of music was:
1) Didn’t pay great
2) Seemed to make people unhappy
3) Not reliable/not predictable/hard to plan

But the turd sandwich of other careers were:
1) Blind rule following (“Corporate said so!”)
2) No Autonomy (Just keep your head down-you’re just a cog in the machine)
3) Uninspiring conditions (cubicles/dealing with idiot customers/wasting time)

Eventually I figured out that just because some musicians were unhappy, didn’t mean that I had to follow in their footsteps. And I care much more about autonomy and doing work that matters than making lots-o-money.

Links we Mentioned:

Dudamel at the Superbowl
(What I hoped it was going to be like:)

(What it was more like:)

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert:

RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

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Add Your Voice:

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What did you learn from pursuing other interests? Did you stick with them, or decide to come back to music?

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