From the, this is the Per Service Podcast, a show about growing in our musical and personal lives…. and discovering the beautiful things in life from one service to the next.
And if you’ve ever been on the internet, or on any social media, you’ve probably seen this fascination we all seem to have for hacking our productivity, you can hack your morning routine, hack your way to inbox zero, an audition hacker, and all encompassing a life-hacker.
But the question that Christian brought us today, is what are we doing with all this supposedly new-found time?
- Are we just filling it with more productivity?
- Are we filling it with beautiful things?
- Or are we just answering more emails
If you’re new to our show, We are four classical musicians:
Anna Luce, she is quite possibly the only human alive who has ever played both violin parts to the Musical Hamilton, in a live performance, at the same time. Do you get doubling for that more on that later.
Christian Marshall a violist in Graz Austria, was my roomate on an Vienna Classics orchestra tour in china, and hid under my bed until I had almost fallen asleep, then jumped out and scared me half to death.
Jessica Wiersma-a violinist in Indianapolis, might have a copyright on her fingering pattern for any difficult scale passage. I hope she doesn’t sue me, but have you tried 1212121212121?
and me I’m Michael O’Gieblyn, I’m a violinist in Boca Raton, Florida. Once while stuck in ice-storm on a tour bus in TX for 27 hours, the only food left was a take out container of meatballs that had been in the mini fridge for over a week. and I ate them!
One last thing, we would like to thank Ficks Music Publishing for providing the hosting for this show. If you need to buy any sheet music go check out
No matter what instrument you play, or sing, Ficks music can get you what you need. It’s a simple and beautiful website and mobile shopping experience.
go visit Get fast and free shipping on orders over $30 And you, yes, you with the earbuds, you can get 10% off your order by using the promo code PerService at checkout.
Even if you don’t want the 10%off, still enter it in, so they know that their patronage is worth it!
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links we Mentioned
Life hacks are part of a 200-year-old movement to destroy your humanity
Nurturing Fat Souls by Douglas Wilson
If This, then That
Making a Lasagna for One
“I’m not crying” by Flight of the Conchords
Jimmy Fallon, Ew!
Best Productivity Hack Ever:
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