We Took Beta-Blockers, Here’s What Happened [PSP16]
6,430 CommentsOur episode today is mostly about immediate anxiety, or stage fright and some coping skills, including the ever controversial…Beta-Blockers.
We aren’t medical professionals, so always talk to your doctor first before trying them. However, we are dedicated to having authentic and transparent conversations about our experiences.
But drugs are not the only way to reduce the effects of being nervous, and we go into some of the other options to having a successful audition or performance.
Practicing vs. Improving [PSP 15]
7,886 CommentsPracticing is something we all wrestle with:
Getting started practicing
Having goals for practicing
Staying focused while practicing
Actually fixing things that are broken.
But it’s one of the most important aspects of become a better musician.
Let’s Get Political..or Not [PSP14]
With less than four weeks until the US heads to the polls to elect a new president. The podcast team is less than enthused about our options. So, we decided to pick some of our favorite musicians of all time who we would rather vote for (yes, we realize how ridiculous that sounds).
Also we kick things off with some other current events, unfortunately about the strikes and lockouts at major orchestras and what it means for us.
Also included are what politics in orchestra and quartet rehearsals look like at the local level.
Summer’s Over: Getting Back to Work [PSP13]
2,217 CommentsIt’s that time of year: Back to school & back to orchestra season. How do we navigate getting in touch with colleagues, dealing with the summer braggers, and setting our sights on the year to come. The per service podcast team discuss how to make the most out of this time of year, and some advice on how to start the year off right.
My Best Worst Lesson [PSP Update]
7,068 CommentsHey Guys!
Just a quick update about what’s going on this summer. Also I’ve got a short story about one of the best lessons I learned from my undergrad. Well, it was one of the worst lessons actually. I’m calling it my best, worst lesson.
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