From the, this is the Per Service Podcast, a show about growing musically, and personally…. and discovering what really matters from one service to the next
Hello there, and welcome back. On our show today, we’re thinking through another one of the dilemma’s that modern musician’s face. Should I go “All In” and try to become the top 1 or 2% of musicians in my field. Or should I diversify my skills and be more marketable and have multiple income streams.
- Is it all or nothing?
- Are you planning for failure by having a backup plan?
- Does having multiple passions make you a “Jack-of-all trades and master of none?”
This is where we’re heading, and as usual, you never know where things will go.
If you’re new to our show, your hosts are:
Anna Luce, concertmaster of this little show called Hamilton she’s now on tour and there’s no telling where in the world she is at this current moment.
Christian Marshall a violist in Graz Austria, who not only thinks about the world in beautiful and intriguing ways, he also writes about it in English and in German.
Jessica Wiersma-a violinist in Indianapolis, who is just one of the warmest and socially charming people you’ll ever meet
and Michael O’Gieblyn, I’m a violinist in Boca Raton, Florida. I play the violin, and I like to make weird things on the internet. But most of all, I love getting to talk with my three co-hosts to make this podcast.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links we Mentioned:
Anna’s Food Blog!!!
Some of Christian’s Favorite Books:
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
24:10 – Jess’s post it notes: “I can do it” or “I have the knowledge” or list things you like about your playing.
Video about Virtuosity with Robert Lipsett
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