Well, Happy New Year to you. Today we’re talking a little bit about our favorite things from 2016, and also how to make the most of 2017. And we know there are a lot of podcasts out there, and other programs, all vying for your attention. So thank you for checking us out, and spending part of your day, hanging out with us.
And that’s largely why we started this podcast-because as classical music performers, we spend a lot of time by ourselves practicing, or in rehearsals. And when we’re hanging out, we usually want to keep things casual, and upbeat. And so when do we ever talk about things are really going, or the things that encourage and inspire us as creative professionals. We hope that this podcast can be that place for you.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links we Mentioned:
Michael’s Pick: Chewbacca Lady
Anna’s Pick: Sloth eating carrots
Christian’s Pick: Kristen Bell on Ellen
“Your music can never be more or less than you are as a human being” -Nadia Boulanger
Anna’s Gig: The Hard Nut
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