This is the Per Service Podcast- a shamelessly self-help show, thinly veiled behind the guise of the working class classical musician shop talk.
We’re more about Growth than Gofriller,
more self-care than first-chair
more positivity than exclusivity
more resiliency than Salieri
You can learn more about us here
And today…… oh boy, do we have a show for you. We are joined by one of the leading peak performance coaches in the world-Dr. Don Greene
Special thanks to:
Ficks Music Publishing – Get your sheet music here.
As a podcast listener, you can get 10% off your order by using the promo code “PerService” at checkout.
This podcast is also made possible by the support of
Fiddlershop is more than a one-stop shop for your violin instruments and supplies, they carry instruments, bows, strings, and accessories for viola, cello and bass. They are proud to have the lowest prices allowed on the internet on almost all their products. And they ship internationally. Plus if you dig around on the site, you might just find a familiar face on some of the product videos.
I’ve worked out a special offer for our podcast listeners, where you can get 5% off your order by using the promo code: PERSERVICE at checkout.
Visit for you string instrument supplies.
OK, here is the show……
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links we Mentioned:
Don Greene’s Performance Mastery Project: Winning on Stage – Opening Soon !
Books by Don Greene:
Audition Success (A Theatre Arts Book)
Things we talked about:
4:30 – Why he has worked with classical musicians.
7:50 – What are the pros and cons of working with musicians vs. athletes?
12:30 – How to get yourself into Right Brain (and why)
18:40 – How to strengthen staying in Right Brain
22:00 – Where the inner critic lives..
24:40 – Can we really change?
27:50 – What are the other “muscles” of auditioning that need training?
29:20 – The importance of hearing it in your head before you start
31:50 – How “perfect” should we hear it?
33:45 – A Painful anecdote
38:45 – How to simulate performance energy
41:20 – How much coffee it will take to kill someone…
47:00 – What musicians could learn from athletes about a training regimen
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