Welcome back to the Per Service Podcast!
It’s so good to be back here with you all again. Whoa-what a crazy week it was here. If you’ve listened to the show for a while, you might have heard that I moved to south Florida…the Boca Raton area to be precise. And this little thing called Hurricane Irma gave us a nice warm welcome. So, we evacuated and our power was out for a week, so that knocked me out of my normal publishing schedule. But thank you for staying with us.
Dealing with the hurricane was a prime example of handling changes whether you want them or not, and we chose this topic weeks ago even before we knew about the hurricane. But as musicians, we have to adapt, grow, and persevere thorugh life’s ups and downs.
And as a podcast, that’s really what we strive to embody here and why we’re here. Life in the arts is full of ups and downs. We must adapt and continue to change as the world changes. Getting bitter, jealous, or anxious about what’s happening, (or not happening) isn’t going to help you rise above it all. So we think talking about things that we’ve learned, and things that inspire and encourage us makes a difference.
In short your hosts are Anna Luce, a violinist in New York City but soon to be nomadic playing Hamilton on the National tour. Christian Marshall a violist in Graz Austria who is our deep thinker in residence, Jessica Wiersma-an amazing violinist in Indianapolis, my karaoke partner in crime and also keeping post it notes in business, and me I’m Michael O’Gieblyn, I’m a violinist in Boca Raton, Florida and yes. I’m currently sunburnt.
One last thing, we would like to thank Ficks Music Publishing for providing the hosting for this show. For your sheet music needs, check out ficksmusic.com
There are a lot of things I do to save money, like cutting my own hair…I know it’s not glamourous. But one place I never regret spending money is on good sheetmusic. Yes, you can probably print and tape up everything from imslp, but it’s not trustworthy, and I usually just end up losing it. But at ficksmusic, you can get great editions of music, and get it fast and for a super great price.
For the month of September 2017, they are offering free shipping on ALL orders- as in, no minimum purchase. But best of, as a thank you to our listeners if you use the promo code PERSERVICE, to get 10% off your order!
visit www.ficksmusic.com..that’s F I C K S music.com
Ok, here is the show!
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Links we Mentioned:
3:24 – You’ve heard it said “Be the Change you wish to see in the world”
But try: “Be the Change you wish to see in ____________________”
Man in the Mirror – Michael Jackson
4:15 – There are many things that affect making a change that we are not in control of – Wanting it is not enough.
4:55 – The pain of your current situation sometimes has to get so strong to get you to want to change.
6:15 – Jess shares her story about changes she can’t control
8:15 – Don’t keep checking your email….keep practicing.
8:50 – Keep choosing to stay positive (well, easier said than done)
9:30 – Worrying doesn’t do anything (well, it doesn’t do anything positive)
10:15 – Don’t get caught up with a narrative in your own head. Recognize what don’t you know.
11:15 – A lost gig means you have regained that time. You have to be a little more clever with how you use that time now.
13:05 – Christian’s story about losing a gig….and then getting it back.
Public Service Announcement: If you are contracting and are under time constraints: Tell the people you contact that they have _____ many hours to reply, or that whoever replies first gets the gig.
16:45 – Don’t do yourself a dis-service by believing the worst, jumping to conclusions, or internalizing strife-diffuse those feelings sooner rather than later.
17:32 – Your brain isn’t a good storage place. Try either talking with someone, or writing down what you’re feeling, or what you’re afraid of, or what the worst that could happen.
18:30 “An empty brain is a happy brain”
Change that we want to happen
19:30 – Christian’s hacks for staying committed to making a change:
- If you’re taking an audition and thinking about backing out – Buy your plane ticket.
- Making a change is a marathon, not a sprint – plan out your refueling
21:40 – Make an encouraging post it note, and leave it where you can see it regularly. And change the color and rewrite them, because you will stop seeing them.
23:15 Jen Sincero
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
24:10 – Jess’s post it notes: “I can do it” or “I have the knowledge” or list things you like about your playing.
26:50 Our insecurities are often the root of this fear of implementing change. Why do we let what others will think of us affect us so much What do you care about, what are you satisfied with, what brings you joy?
29:00 – Christian’s realization: “I’m living a sub-par life because I’m more worried about what you’ll think about me, if I actually enjoy my life.” – It’s messed up.
30:40 – This insecurity about what others think about us translates into us being insecure about being happy for other people.
31:00 – The kicker is that nobody really cares about you. They’re all mostly concerned about themselves.
31:51 – A big way to improve happiness might be to consider your social media usage. Developing real relationships and some empathy
33:00 Social media breeds the comparison game. And if we’re trying to make some positive changes, something
34:00 Saying “Yes” to something, means saying “No” to something else.
Check out the great blog posts by Nathan Cole
35:00 – Maybe just sitting still for 2 minutes might be better than mindlessly scrolling social media feeds.
36:00 – Take control of you mind. Take control of your time.
37:45 – You might not need a “To Do” list, you might need a “Not -to-do” list.
Read more about the Avoid at All Costs list made popular by Warren buffet.
38:40 It’s a Journey:
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