As musicians, we tend to seek out advice on things we should DO, a routine we should TRY, or habits we should ADD to our practice time. That’s great, but maybe the key to really growing as a musician, and more importantly as a person is to look inward and find the things we should STOP doing.
On this episode, we get all up in own brain crevices and think about what negative thoughts we struggle with. We got some help from a fantastic article written by Amy Morin, which was the foundation for her book, called 13 things mentally strong people don’t do.
Well, this indeed the Per Service Podcast! A place where we realize that each day, each gig, is an opportunity to grow and live a fulfilling life in the arts. Whether you are a full time musician, a weekend warrior, or a student, we’re glad you’ve decided to join us for our conversation. We’re not pretending that we’ve figured it all out, in fact this episode is quite the opposite. But we hope that we can lead by example, and I can’t thank my co-hosts enough for being willing to talk about these topics publicly, especially Jess-today who really opens up about what’s going on.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
Read the original list of 13 things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin
Or Her book:
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success
One of Michael’s Favorite Irish Bands: Lúnasa
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You heard our pick, now what’s the negative thought you struggle with?
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